Living in This New Normal

 Change is coming so fast it is challenging to assimilate it all. As we are called to show up to this new normal of what it means to be a responsible citizen, it has been so interesting for me to watch my own response to this crisis, and to be with friends, family, and clients as they navigate these times.

What I have noticed for myself is that my emotions are high and I can easily go from my characteristic "Paula Positive in Pink" to sadness and a bit of fear.  Things that trigger a shift for me are things like events that I looked forward to being cancelled like the World Happiness Summit in Miami, or the news that my Orange Theory classes are gone for a while, or client meetings changing/shifting/cancelling, or talking to one of my kids, clients, or friends who is having their own struggles with isolation, front line emergency room healthcare, or having to learn how to teach special ed virtually.  The present and the future can feel so scary. Acknowledging that life as I know it is changing is essential.

What I know for sure and some reflection questions…

I am happier, more resilient, better for myself and others when I am taking care of myself with things like taking long walks outside while listening to favorite podcasts or books, and calling to check in with family, friends and clients, laughing, expressing gratitude,  gardening, and praying/meditating.

What are your "happiness hacks"?

There IS great opportunity for growth in this.  I see growth for myself in learning better how to use the Zoom platform to teach my classes and host virtual community meetings. I am also using the time to do some virtual learning that wouldn't have been in the schedule. 

Where do you see your growth happening?

I want to be contributive in as many spaces as possible and perhaps in new ways during these changes.  Service, growth and relationships are my highest values and I want to be living them daily--especially now.  I have and will be offering free services and finding ways to brighten days one person at a time. 

How are you considering what you can do to be of service in your world or add “light” to dark or fear filled spaces?

I need to first be aware of what I need and then be able to communicate it in order to be present consistently with love.  When I receive a text that feels judgmental (my default negative emotion) or like they are trying to "fix me/direct me/solve it", I need to check myself and assume positive intent.  I am called to even greater compassion and curiosity right now. 
What do you need and how are you proactively communicating it?

We WILL make it through this…and good things will come of it…it will get a lot harder probably before it gets easier.  Kindness, compassion, proactive movement, forgiveness and grace, connection--WITH social
distance, and lots of Leaning in to Love will get me through it. 

What intentions do you hold for "who" you want to be during these unprecedented times?

Thank you for your presence in my world. I wonder what this holds on the other side?